Protest again Thurs morn, Brooklyn

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Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM

I was at the rally in front of Fox News on Tuesday afternoon, and I'm going to another similar protest tomorrow (Thursday) morning in Brooklyn - info below - there's another event scheduled for Saturday.
I'm glad to hear about opportunities to protest - the stuff going on is outrageous, and I feel very frustrated when I sit at home wondering why people aren't screaming in the streets about it... so when they ARE I like to go see it and join in! Anybody else wanna come? Here's the scoop, via MoveOn:

Let's keep the momentum going!
Outside of Rep. Towns' District Office (Joralemon st btwn Court and Clinton), 186 Joralemon Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Thursday, February 24th, 9:00 AM

Message from your host, Martine W.: Join us in speaking out against the draconian budget cuts that the Republican party is attempting to ram through Congress. Proposed budget cuts will severely affect programs that working American families rely on, including community health centers; legal services for working families; and classic public broadcast programs like the beloved Sesame Street.

We're calling on Representatives Towns and Clarke to join us in opposing these cuts - we need Brooklynites to join us there and speak out against the impact these cuts will have on working Americans during this economic recession.