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Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM

I can't find anything wrong with this in itself:

The only thing I would suggest - and it's impossible to prove these things, nor is it always the case - is to scan the papers for other news that the administration might want us to take our mind off of. It's pretty common policy for these things to be initiated earnestly, but also strategically.

Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM
So many choices

The impending state sanctioned kidnapping of Julian Assange.

The continuing torturous imprisonment of Bradley Manning. ( - this site has created a a paypal site so donations can be made to Manning's defense fund.)

Rabid right wing union busting, the likes of which haven't been seen in almost 80 years.

The ACORNing of Planned Parenthood.

Obama lying about CIA operatives in Pakistan and calling them, "diplomats."

The next big Wall Street swindle.

Georgia and "prenatal homicide."

The continuing saga of illegal wars and the corporations who profit from them.

This one is pure conjecture but, the manufacture of young, college age "terrorists", on American soil, whose sole purpose is to be "caught" by our incredibly dedicated intelligence/security forces. I mean, if there are elements in our government/military willing to practice PsyOps against our own senators....

I can't wait to hear the shrieks of right wing outrage.

For the record, I don't believe that Bill O'Reilly is really a Roman Catholic. He says he's Roman Catholic, but I think he worships Satan and routinely drinks the blood of brown skinned babies. I also believe that Michelle Bachmann is pro slavery. No matter what she may claim. You betcha!

You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.