I finally made myself a site (no archives)

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LP's picture
Joined: 08/29/10 1:01AM

After like a gajillion years, I finally made a simple portfolio site.
Test location:

The pictures are mostly placeholders, I have to dig through and see what I want to show off.

Because I basically hacked it together myself from an existing gallery package, it's probably poorly done in all sorts of ways, I'd be curious if the layout breaks for anyone.

I could have used a service, made a tublog, wordpress, whatever.. but I guess I like to do things the hard way.

And no, it doesn't have archives of 100,000+ pictures, but I'm working on that.

speakerb's picture
Joined: 08/27/10 1:45PM
two words...

wow wee!

domo arigato

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
Looks good!

Looks good!

"Here to do great things."

Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM

I really like the site layout, Lippe.

That's closer to what I would like to have than most I have seen.

Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM
Way cool!

I hope you put some of *your* music on the site. That would make it even more super duper awesomeful than intended.

Jeez, Lippe, I haven't heard you play in something like 10 years.

You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.

erin's picture
Joined: 08/27/10 2:53PM
looks really great!

looks really great!

beau's picture
Joined: 09/01/10 9:44PM
maybe yer working on it this

maybe yer working on it this min, but all i see is a blank page cept for the text

Index of /

Name Last modified Size Description favicon.gif 06-Mar-2011 17:16 0
favicon.ico 06-Mar-2011 17:16 0

~ beau

LP's picture
Joined: 08/29/10 1:01AM
yeah, just moved it from the subdomain

Yup, as it apparently didn't completely explode on anyone I just now moved it to straight lippemanufacturing.org without the index part at the beginning. Tidying up the hack layout code, and gonna comb through and put in more specifically selected pictures.

Thanks for checking it out.

beau's picture
Joined: 09/01/10 9:44PM
cool my favs: langhorne en


my favs:
langhorne en plein forme
the b&w of the woman in the window and with the camera
matt and nan from above
regina on piano bench

i very much like uncluttered web pages. but i have a thing against white backgrounds. they cause eye strain at best and are blinding at worst. for hundreds of years printers have avoided black text on white paper & have gone to great trouble to find paper colors that are non-intrusive. how about an off-white, pearl background? or faint grey so as not to interfere with the colors of the photos.

~ beau

LP's picture
Joined: 08/29/10 1:01AM
I hear ye

Yeah, I hear ya. I work green on dark grey for my typing..
I sorta think white is suitable.
But I just tweaked it to a light grey.
I tested out some darker, and even black, but it loses a lot.

Typically in photography one might use a mat, and a black frame.. to achieve the local contrast while not blinding.. but the logistics on a computer display are frustrating..

beau's picture
Joined: 09/01/10 9:44PM
i think the lt grey is

i think the lt grey is defntly better

~ beau