Protest at Union Sq 2moro (Tues); & music?

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Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM

I'll be there, maybe see some of you there too.
Also, I've noticed that a lot of these protests could sure use some music... would anybody be into forming some sort of loose collective that could play at protests, not a "band" that would need all members present at all events, just a group of folks who might have some simple material prepared ahead of time which could be performed no matter what combo of people it was...

Here's the details for Tuesday, 5:30 pm, Union Square NYC -

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker just signed into law a bill that will eliminate the basic union rights of most public employees in the state of Wisconsin. As he signed the bill, Walker said "What we're doing here, I think, is progressive. It's innovative. It's reform that leads the country…”
Unfortunately, union-busting is only the beginning of the Republican Party's so-called "reforms." Right now, Republicans in Congress are putting forth a budget that gives more tax breaks to corporations and millionaires, while slashing funding for education, emergency response, and other vital human services.
That’s why, on Tuesday, March 15th, Americans are gathering at rallies across the country to say “No!” NO to union-busting! NO to attacks on the middle class! And NO to the destruction of the American Dream!
In New York City, we're rallying with our partners at MoveOn, AFL-CIO, SEIU, the Jobs Party, and many more at Union Square at 5:30PM. We urge you to join us and bring as many friends as you can.
Of course, that's just the beginning. The sun's coming out, the city's warming up, and we've got some serious campaigning planned for the spring. More on that soon...and see you at Union Square!
The ACT NOW Team-
Andrew, Chris, Heather, Keith, Kenan, Lenny, and Rebecca

LP's picture
Joined: 08/29/10 1:01AM
Toy zylophone + melodica orchestra

Or whatever, I'm in.