Schwervon/Dizozza dream

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Steve E.'s picture
Steve E.
Joined: 08/29/10 12:59PM

I dreamt Schwervon! were my upstairs neighbors. We assessed the damage from a huge water leak, similar to one that actually happened recently in my building.

Peter Dizozza was there, and he was 20.

Steve E.'s picture
Steve E.
Joined: 08/29/10 12:59PM
Now that I'm more awake, that

Now that I'm more awake, that really doesn't seem like such an interesting dream, anecdotally. It was nice to see everyone, though.

nan's picture
Joined: 07/29/10 7:42PM

wow that's crazy. i hope we don't have a water leak here.

Steve E.'s picture
Steve E.
Joined: 08/29/10 12:59PM
I don't believe that dreams

I don't believe that dreams predict the future. You'll be fine. :)