Schwervon! looking for shows in Toledo, upstate ny for may and june!

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nan's picture
Joined: 07/29/10 7:42PM

Hi Friends,
Can you help with ideas/suggestions/contacts
for schwervon! getting a show in
Toledo, OH (trying for May 14th- or possibly June 25)
Buffalo (June 26)
Rochester (June 27)

Any suggestions on Cleveland, Akron, Knoxville & Nashville also appreciated!

So far we're diggin' KC!
We miss you NYC but we'll be back for a show on June 29th!
more details coming soon.

Elastic No-No Band's picture
Elastic No-No Band
Joined: 08/26/10 1:03PM
I just FB-messaged you a note

I just FB-messaged you a note re:Toledo. :)

--Info on three-worded acts like Elastic No-No Band, Joe Crow Ryan, and Thomas Patrick Maguire at --